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Great Prose

The Most Beautiful Flower
Through the eyes of a blind child, at last I could see
The problem was not with the world; the problem was me.

Having It All: Why Some People Make the Leap--and Others Don't
The way to create the prosperity, love and health you want in life is to get in touch with-and transform-the unconscious limiting beliefs that are counteracting your conscious thoughts. Then your actions will align with your natural state of abundance and support-and the goodness will flow naturally in your life.

This is one of the greatest paradoxes ever recorded in history.

57 Cents: A True Story from Philadelphia
An inspirational story of what you can do if you put your hearts to it.

Definition of kiss
We view the world based on our background. Here is an example of different people view kiss.

The Joy of Spirit
What brings you joy? What really brings you joy, as opposed to what you think brings you joy?

Never Say Goodbye, Just Say 'I Love You'
As long as I can remember, with my children and husband, when we parted, I would not say good-bye, I would hug and kiss them and always say "I love you." I would tell them, that as sad as it may be, that when they walk out that door, we may never see each other again.

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude
Gratitude keeps us centered and wards off jealousy and negativity. Learn about five little things we can do each day to nourish a sense of gratitude - in ourselves and in others.


High Quality Vitamins and Supplements

We recommend www.GrandmasRemedies.com/ for all your vitamins, herbs, amino acids, proprietary combinations and supplements needs. The products offered by www.GrandmasRemedies.com are made in pharmaceutical grade factories under strict quality control testing and are available only through health professionals. Your health is important. Go to www.GrandmasRemedies.com/, today for brands and products hand picked by a team of doctors. You will be glad you did. http://www.grandmasremedies.com/

Peace Seeds
There is a law that guides the peace process, and while world leaders may disregard it, your average mommy knows it pretty well. It is this: The world can be only as peaceful as you are. And it all starts with you.

A Real Friend
Who is a real friend? Read on..

7 Things Happy People Know How To Do (And You Can Too!)
Ever wondered about those people who seem to be able to always roll with the punches and be happy no matter what the circumstances (we all know at least one)? Are they out of touch with reality, or do they know something that you don't?

Everyone needs this list
Everyone needs this list to live by. A thought provoking list.

Egoless functioning
In my opinion, one of the main reasons for reduced  efficiency in our undertakings (causing stress, high blood pressure, etc.) is the gnawing  fear of reduced success / anticipation of goodies on completion. 

Soldiers' God
In these days of racial prejudices and hatred, here is a refreshing article about religious harmony.

Beaten Down ... Being the victim of one-upmanship!
It's a funny world in which we live. Some people want badly to succeed. Others want badly to see others fail. Although this might sound a bit pessimistic, it is truly another example of balance in our world.

Picking up the pieces of your life
If you are falling apart , overwhelmed, or stressed out as a result of the pressures of life...this article will give you tips to help you get back on your feet.

We Humans Need to Help One Another
Humans are never independent. We always need others in our lives. We are interdependent. We take turns relying on others and having them rely on us. There are times in each of our lives when we face problems or dilemmas. During these times, it is a mark of personal strength to ask for help, whether it be from a friend, a relative, or a professional.

Your Friends and Your Wealth
What types of friends do spend most of your time with? Choosing friends is critical to your financial success. Here's why.

What do you do when you have been betrayed? How do you best respond? Our pride often gets in the way of a positive approach. This article describes the problem of betrayal and a way of breaking the cycle of negativity.

A Summer of Personal Growth
Summer brings a lighter, easier way of living, different from the usual pace the rest of the year. Summer brings an invitation to experiment, to try different things. Take advantage of this lighter, easier way by making this summer your summer of personal growth.

"Did I Pack My Toothbrush?" Getting Organized for Travel
For many of us summertime = vacation time. Some people will spend their days off at the local pool. Some may choose to sightsee in their own town. Many will leave behind the comforts of home for the open road. Regardless of the destination or mode of transportation, it is important to be organized for travel.

Where Sister Eagle Soars!
When I get tired of hearing about bad news and I want to get away from it all, I close my eyes and go to yesterday where Sister Eagle soars! Come and soar with me!

About that Dream...
What's keeping you from your dream? Start a small list of things you consider obstacles in your way. Are they *Time,* *Energy,* *Money?* Is your life just too stressful? Brainstorm some solutions and write them in the column next to the obstacles.

What Is A Balanced Life?
You may have heard that living a balanced life is a goal worth striving for, a healthy and wise way to live. If you're a small business owner or web site owner, is living a balanced life even possible?

What Happened To Your Passion?
Passion is the fuel that ignites your dreams. It's the energy, the prime mover, the universal force that propels you to create, be, do, and have. This article provides you a technique to re-awaken your passion and your dreams.

You ARE a Good Enough Mom, Right Now!
If you believe that you are not good enough, your children will pick up on that thought and believe they are not good enough either. Is that what you want? I didn't think so. So, you have to believe in yourself right now.

Your rice has already been cooked
The biggest source of power and wisdom resides in yourself, and it is this wisdom within you that will lead you to where you belong. It just takes long to see that the light you are seeking is in your own lantern.

In the Hands of Your Master Consciousness
It is said that while sculpting David, Michelangelo chipped away everything that 'wasn't David.' Something in the slab of marble that was to become David illuminated a form so vividly that with each chisel stroke, the master sculptor was able to bring it into expression. In collaborating closely with your divine nature you, like David, become gently molded and fashioned into who you really are.

The Perfect Father?
Being a good father isn't a matter of appearances. It's not even whether or not you could jump into that slick magazine cover with the perfect family. When you stand before your Maker, He won't ask you to smile or show off your family. Instead, you must be able to face Him honestly and say, "I did my best--even in the worst of times."

You Are Where God Wants You To Be
Next time your morning seems to be going wrong and the kids are slow getting dressed and you can't seem to find the car keys and you hit every traffic light, don't get mad or frustrated; praise God instead, because God is at work watching over you.

Life with Mother
I muse upon the idea of responsibility and becoming a care giver can help one become more spiritual and loving. From my childhood my mother gave me a vision of how to love unconditionally and now she has given me the opportunity to treat her with love and compassion.

A Father, A Champion - Father's Day Special
Yes, there've been many changes over the years... But things I've learned from him remain the same.

Benjamin Franklin - Founding Father and Dad
Benjamin Franklin was an inventor, printer, writer and founding father of our country. Did you know he was also a dad?

Present Perfect: the Perfect Seed for the Perfect Life.
If you can find the seed of compassion in your heart to send to any person, place or situation that needs healing, you will see right in front of your eyes the incredible miracle of your life healing into joy and bliss.

Showing Love
How does someone show a child that he or she is loved? Below is a list of the many things I do or did to show my children that they are loved very much.

Beauty, Gratitude and the Open Heart
I want to encourage everyone who reads this to consider feeding your soul with beauty. There is nothing like awe and gratitude for something beautiful to open the heart to gratitude in general.

Such Is Life, And It's Getting Sucher And Sucher
Problems, disappointments and trouble; the three skunks that sometimes think they are our children. At least they want to stay around long enough to give us a college education. But the education we get may be only half the story, See what you think!

The Real Meaning Of Toughness
Have you ever met someone who was just unstoppable? Chances are this person has risen from the bottom of wherever to the top of their profession. These are the people we look up to and admire. More often than not, we think of them as lucky or gifted or skilled. But what if there was another factor. One that can be learned as easily as any skill? What if YOU could learn this trait and then apply it as these successful people have?

Anniversary Blues
Each of us has the choice to begin to notice our intention. If each of us changed our intention from controlling to loving, and learned to take responsibility for our own feelings, we would each be participating in healing our relationships and thereby healing our planet.

Be Careful What You Are Looking For...
In life, we get what we expect to get, and if you really think about that, it should scare the pants off of you.

Creating Self Esteem
Here are nine practices and beliefs that you can begin to cultivate right now to help you improve your self-esteem and march boldly in the direction of your dreams.

Discovering what your heart really wants
It is very easy to confuse what we think we want with what other people think we should have. Here is a way to find out what you truly want.

Envisioning Your Ideal Self
I’ve found that people who are successful and fulfilled share common characteristics. · They believe their success has very little to do with what they have, and everything to do who they are. They hold an ideal about the kind of person they want to be. They’re willing to step into that vision, and hold themselves accountable to high behavioral standards.

Deliberate Attraction

You Have To Resist To Not Receive What You Ask For

Building a Successful Future One Moment at a Time
Ten ways to begin to create the success you desire when the cards seemed stacked against you. It focuses on being aware and staying in the present.

Learn - Do - Teach!
Conceiving and understanding life's lessons are necessary steps in personal growth. What does love require of me, beyond this?

The Fine Art of Learning Faster & Better

U.S. District Court Judge William Young made the following statement in sentencing "shoe bomber" Richard Reid to prison. It is noteworthy, and deserves to be read and remembered. I expect that to become a classic.

What My Mother Did Right
I started thinking back on how I was raised. What did my mother do right? I came up with some basic concepts that may be helpful to all of us.

Listen To Your Wisdom
Being a good listener starts with paying attention to yourself—your own inner dialogue. We all talk to ourselves, but how many of us really listen?

I Am the Flag of the United States Of America
This is not only awesome, it is gorgeous.

Breaking through the masks of fear
Have you ever felt that you wanted to do or achieve something, but that you let a nagging voice tells you otherwise. When we find that we are unable to create and sculpt the lives we want - then it's likely that fear is at the bottom of it.

French Follies: Will France Ever Learn from its own History?
One only has to look back to the 20th century to see how the French compromise their national safety, and the safety of their neighbors, in the name of French “greatness.”

Mesopotamia, Babylon, The Tigris, and Euphrates
How many children, in how many classrooms, over how many centuries, have hang-glided through the past, transported on the wings of these words? And now the bombs are falling, incinerating and humiliating that ancient civilization. Another view on the Iraq War.

Creating Family Traditions
It is so important to have traditions. They are part of the glue that holds families together. Traditions are beneficial in several ways. First, they give children and even teens a sense of security. Traditions also foster closeness in the immediate and extended family. Here are some suggestions for creating some family traditions.

Seven Truths - Perceiving this War Differently
We need this war in order to learn how to think, live and behave so as to not need wars. If we do not learn this personally and globally we will always have wars and there will always be the perpetrators and the victims.

Law of Successful Living
When we give from our hearts, when we give in a spirit of love and compassion, we receive even more than we gave. It's a basic law of successful living. Powerful enough to change a life.

Whip Out Those Rose-colored Glasses!
Optimists view the world with hope, humor, and interest, no matter what happens. They wear those gorgeous rose-colored specs, the better to see the beauty all around them. Their glass is always half full; in fact, optimists often see their cup as brimming with good, even when to outsiders it may look just the opposite.

Are you ignoring that little thought?
Don’t waste an opportunity to act on a potentially brilliant idea. You don’t have to wait for a major idea, a master strategy, or approval from your peers in order for you to act on that little thought.

Accepting the Truth
Meditation on love. Helps us to accept our greatness. Love is Power, Happiness, Peace, Joy, Truth, Abundance and Faith. Love is the answer to all.

8 Gifts of Parenting
No one who has hugged their child can doubt the gift of a child’s presence in their life. The love that is expressed in that simple act is one of the most profound ways that we experience love in this world. In order to nurture the special relationship of parent and child, and fulfill our roles as parents, there are number of things that we are signing up to do.

9 Tips to Conquer Life- Lessons Presented in War
We are each extremely capable in a very big way. How would the world improve if you went after your greatest vision? Whether you want to grow your business, grow yourself, or make a difference learn from the individuals who make up the greatest military in the world. Change your life and change the world.... Starting Now!

An old preacher taught her, as a little girl, to always look for things to be grateful for. So, as soon as she awoke each morning, she asked herself, "What is the first thing I can be grateful for today?"

Midlife Crisis? Don't Hit the Big Three Panic Buttons
When you're midlife and mid-career, your crisis may come from outside events, such as layoffs or illness. Other times you've outgrown your life and want to move on. Nearly every midlife client, caught in a crisis following many years of success, hits one of these three panic buttons.

Foot bridges as Keys to Some Village Futures
One man's vision leads to affordable, reliable foot-bridges that are changing village economies in India. A refreshing story to inspire you on how one person can make a difference in this world.

Where's Your Focus?
Are you focusing on the positives and living your life to the fullest? Or are you caught up in all of the negativity and fear that is troubling the world today?

Be Focused in Every Moment
When we talk of getting focused this means specifically to see what captures our undivided time, attention and energy. Choosing what you're going to focus on overall imparts clarity. Does this mean you're only going to focus on these specific things? Not at all.

An open letter from a soldier who is serving in Kuwait
A California mother whose son is right now in Kuwait wrote her son asking how he would feel if she joined other relatives of service members in an anti-war demonstration in Hollywood last month. After reading her son's response, she elected not to participate. 

Fallacies of Peace Activists By Barun Mitra
While war brings enormous human tragedy, there are times when it is necessary as a last step in order to defend freedom and restore peace. This is where the present anti-war movements have got it completely wrong. 

Keep Peace In Your Heart
Now is not the time for fear or for anger. That is not what this world needs right now. Our world needs an outpouring of peace. We need to keep peace in our hearts and faith that the peace within will spread to those around us.

Ways to Maintain Your Equilibrium in Time of War: Emotional Intelligence
War is disturbing. Regardless of which "side" you're on, people are killing, people are being killed, and people are suffering. We are deeply divided, and emotions are running high. You may also be ambivalent - divided against yourself. Here are some tips on managing emotions during this difficult time.

Talking About the War
I talk with people from all over the world, being a coach, and a remarkable number haven't brought up the war with me. Many aren't watching it on television. My opinion isn't what this article is about.

How to keep your spirits up in wartime: seven helpful tips
War means our sense of control is replaced by a sense of fear. A world at war shows a threatening face, rather than a comforting face. Worst of all, there is nothing we can do about it. We are not in control, and we are not even sure that the people in control are in control. Can we still be happy, even in wartime? Yes we can. 

Humor: Great Thinkers of Our Time
Here is a humorous look at actual quotations.

Design Your Destiny Life Is What You Make It
If you want to live a certain kind of life, you are going to have to be proactive so you can consciously create life as you would like it. You must first mentally visualize and then physically create what you want. You can do this by having a clear vision and developing strong intentions. Your life is your gift, how you appreciate it and use it is entirely up to you.

No Concern of Ours.
 Think twice while you're watching out for your behind!!!

Dealing with the backdrop of fear and confusion.
We are at war. Whether you are for it or against it, it is now a horse that can’t be put back in the barn. With it comes hopelessness, helplessness and the ever-bounding mysteries of life and mind. What can we do?

Bush, My Father, and The Mad Dog
I know Americans and the international community would soon realize that one day, Bush too had made that significant decision regarding sending the troops to Iraq .

Should we be at war? 
There are times when the "end" justifies the "means" whatever they  may be. In this case (war with Iraq), the "end" is our very survival in a very  dangerous world.

Cooperation, Community and the Common Good
The benefits of cooperation are greater than you may think. The benefits to you as an individual increase substantially when you cooperate with members of a self-interest group, thus building a strong community.

The Art of Questioning Yourself Well
The quality of your life can relate directly to the quality of the questions you ask yourself. High-quality questions move you forward immediately. They focus on positive direction and indicate an understanding of what's possible. Here are a few: "How can I turn this around?" or "How can I make it work?" "How can I utilize this?" or "How can I use this to empower myself and others?"

Salad Days
At 50 or 60 or even older, a person feels the same inside. Sometimes our salad days -- if you define them as the best, most active, most productive times of one's life -- have arrived later. We age but we're the same person.

What to do when you don't know what to do.
Sometimes life can be so overwhelming. It can leave you feeling helpless and drained especially when you really don’t know what to do or how to tackle the situations that bombard your life. Whether you feel overwhelmed by a single issue or several issues coming your way at the same time, the following tips are hints for those times when you may not have a clue about whom to consult or where to start searching for solutions or answers to pressing issues.

Wisdom Around the World: Discovering Joy through 14 Love Proverbs
These proverbs were collected from all over the world and all have "love" as a theme. As you read through the Proverbs, your challenge is to choose one to use as a framework for pondering, reflection, contemplation, creative journaling, poetry or art.

Your Heart's Music
Hope is music in the heart. It is a gift given to each of us to see us through the night. Once you have lost hope, you have nothing left to lose. Utter hopelessness kills everything it touches. But hope gives us strength to continue.

Stop Worrying, Start Choosing
Many people Sleep-Walk through life, worrying about what might happen, then "letting things happen", instead of actively choosing what they want in their life lives.

Do You Suffer from LMH Syndrome? 
LMH is nothing more than "Last Minute Housekeeping." It is from the inability to separate business from home duties. 

Yes, you will survive the storm!
You have had sleepless nights; worry to last a lifetime, stress, anxiety and everything in the book that should be avoided in order to live a healthier and longer life. Now as a new day dawns, the big question in your mind is: Am I going to survive this? Is it going to get better? The answer to that question is yes...you will survive the storm!

Manifestation or Infestation ... Stop feeding the stray dogs!
You might ask, "If my life is falling down around me, or I'm just plain stuck, how can I eliminate the fears and doubts that keep me safe and alert to danger without being eaten alive by the demons that surround me?" Believe it or not, these "demons" are like stray dogs---feed them, and they keep coming back. But, if you quit feeding them, they will go somewhere else!

Love Yourself First
How can you expect someone else to love you unconditionally if you can't accept and love yourself the way you are? Yet we have this tendency to think that love from others is what validates us. No, it's the love you give yourself. The more love you give yourself the more you give to the world. It's all connected, we are all one.

Dreams and Desires, Wishes and Wants Journals
We all have dreams and desires, our own personal wishes and wants. What if you could just have what you wanted and wished for? What would that house look like, feel like? How would you decorate it?

Time with the Lord
A US soldier has discovered that you can use simple things as a reminder to be thankful for. 'When I want to talk to God and thank Him, I just pull out this old deck of cards and they remind me of all that I have to be thankful for."

How to Make Your Happiness
Mark Johnson was the kind of guy some people love to hate. He was always in a great mood and always had something positive to say... An inspirational story.

Revenge is the Best Medicine
A little clean, honest, LEGAL revenge can be just the thing to help you forgive and forget at least some of the indiscretions whether imagined or real that have been committed against you.

Finding Serenity
10 ways to create and keep serenity in your life.

TGN - God is Powerful - E=MCsquared
The power of God is illustrated in the amount of energy packed into a single ounce of matter. This is then compared to the size of the universe.

Peace Through Prayer: A Buddhist View
No matter what seems to be happening, I’m going to keep peace on the top of my prayer list. I won't give up until, through my strong prayer and sincere actions, peace is the leading news of the day.

Healing of the Heart
We all push ourselves to achieve the things we want even if this is soul-destroying. Heal the heart and learn to trust. This will create a life flow and happiness.

Finding Your Niche in Life
When we begin to listen to our own voice, and throw off all those other helpful ones in our head, life really starts to make sense. Not only do the wheels of progress finally turn in the direction we want, but we begin to put more and more credence in that small, lesser known part of ourselves that is the seat of both our vulnerability and our power.

Someone Believes In You
An inspirational story. Hang in there. There will always be that somebody who believes in you. Never give up.

The Power of Love
Love can melt the meanest heart, calm a situation, heal wounds, change minds and give hope and peace to this world.

The Beautiful You
Our society places great emphasis on a narrow idea of physical beauty. There are many kinds of beauty, and it isn't always about appearance. Authentic beauty is something deep within -- the real you. For inside, you are more beautiful than you may ever know.

Self-Confidence...Where Can I Get Some?
Don't let anybody, anytime; shatter your confidence. Self-Confidence matters, and getting it seems to be fairly complicated at times.

Gratitude Today...
We need to start living like we are the wealthiest people on earth, and stop whining like babies, every time we can't have something we want.

6 Things to Take for a Great Life
Most of us were raised to be good boys and girls, instructed to "ask politely" for the things we want. But life is tougher than that and sometimes requires that we take the things we need. So, here you go, the six things you need to take for a great life...

Denying Yourself Comfort
How do you react when you have a problem? Do you reach out for help or do you withdraw? Do you accept the comfort and support of others, or do you clam up and put up walls?

7 Ways to Romance Your Husband for Valentine's Day
Romance means something entirely different to a man than it does to a woman. With generous quotes from bible, the author recommends appropriate ways to romance your husband, the "Christian Way." Buckle up, and get ready to read some hot ideas for heating up the "romance" in your marriage this Valentine's Day.

Alone This Valentine's Day?
Valentine's Day can range from annoying to dreadful when you aren't paired, so let's put a new spin on this! First of all you aren't alone. Secondly, here are some ways to 'defend' yourself.

Spirit in the Body? Heat in the Iron Ball
When consciousness leaves the body, the body starts to decompose and decay. The body was just the temporary association of atoms and molecules used by that consciousness - an immortal soul - for its earthly expressions.

A Great Day that Leads to a Fabulous Life
Day by day life goes by. Step by step. Before you know it 20 years have slipped by. Are you setting up each day to live a life you can be excited about? You can be! Follow the steps below and live each day to the fullest.

It's Ok To Be Selfish Once In A While!
It’s for your own well-being. There’s just times when you have to say, “No, I can’t do that today, I’ve already made plans.”

Instructions for Life in the new millennium by The Dalai Lama
This is what The Dalai Lama has to say on the millennium.

Give the Gift of Love to the one you love!
As we get busy with our everyday lives we tend to  neglect the people we care most for. Give your partner  the best gift ever... Love Them and Spend Time With Them.

You At A Dead End? Look Deeply Into My Eyes!
Linda used a very powerful motivator to help solve her problems. She identified with a successful image. This sort of visualization can break the cycle of self-defeat and bad habits those years of struggles have set up with-in a personality.

Spirit in the Body? Heat in the Iron Ball
When consciousness leaves the body, the body starts to decompose and decay. The body was just the temporary association of atoms and molecules used by that consciousness - an immortal soul - for its earthly expressions.

You Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday!
Henry Ford had a dream to build a gasoline engine with 8 cylinders in one block. His engineers told him it was impossible. He told them, build it anyway. They said, no way. He said, find a way.

The Holy Alphabet . . .
Whoever came up with this one must have had some divine guidance. Religious/spiritual.

Be Grateful for the Moment
An attitude of gratefulness brings the angels near. When we are appreciated, we tend to give more to the person appreciating us. The angels are not different. So give thanks for all we have in our lives today. The things we appreciate grow. 

If You Hate Your Life, Then Change It
If you are losing energy in the form of, health, prosperity, experiencing bliss, or relationships, you have a leak in your system, just like the gas leak in my truck. No one is siphoning off your goodness. Your leak is in your system; only you can repair it.

The Positive Side of Life
A few tidbits to make a great day for you.

Are You Programmed?
Are you programmed? Definitely. Programming is usually thrust upon us by the people in charge of our care in our developmental years. Parents, teachers, peers, mentors, movie stars or TV actors.

Bringing Abundance Into Your Life
Do you get into your own way when trying to manifest money? Then this is an article for you to read so you can get out of your own way and get on with making money.

Valentine's Day Ideas for Couples and Singles
Who do you think expresses more love and has more fun on Valentine's Day, couples or singles? I've rounded up some fun ideas for both groups of folks and included them in this article. Let's see who you think might "win" in love, in fun, and in realizing the spirit of this holiday.

Who is the ideal life partner?
In one of our weekly questions we asked, "What makes a great boy/girlfriend?" We then compiled all the responses and created a list of our favorites!

You Will Never Get It Done!
Do you have too many things to do? Is life pulling at you in all directions? You need to eat, sleep, work, pay the bills, meet the expectations of others... play, do you even have time to play? Well now you can relax because... you will never get it done!

Teenage Boy Attacks Innocent Kayaker
Do you feel safe in your life? Or are you tossed about by the events and experiences that just happen to come your way? You do have the ability to control your experience of life to a far greater degree that you currently realize.

Silver linings are everywhere
Can there be any positive news about Viagra? The Happy Guy puts a satirical twist on news that Viagra may, indeed, be good for the environment.

How to find relationships and marriage that works. How to identify your soulmate.

My Grandmother Died Today
A personal look at death and how different people deal with it uniquely.

Money Myths Of The Poor
From tender age, we were exposed to myths about money and myths of being rich. Be it from our parents, brothers, sisters, relatives, or friends. The myths that we have determine our financial well being in our adult lives. I call them myths because they are not true. Or, at least they are not giving you the complete picture.

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