21 Life Changing Questions You Can't Afford to Not Ask
Imagine what you want most in life right now. Dream BIG. Think
of what your ideal life would look like. See all the tiny details. You
have no limitations. You can have exactly what you want.
It’s Never Too Late to Say I Love You
Men shared their joy in reconnecting with their estranged fathers. Since my dad was dead, I felt I’d blown my chance to tell him that I loved him. It would take an act of God, a miracle, to reconcile my father and me. And that’s exactly what it took.
Keeping an Attitude of Gratitude
When was the last time you stopped to acknowledge all the good things in your life? Very often, when we're focused on a 'big' goal, or just caught up in day-to-day living, we often forget about the things that bring us joy.
Tips to Ensure Your Pet Has a Happy Holiday
Provide a safe environment for your pet this holiday season
by recognizing common holiday hazards around the home.
Gifts Kids Can Make
‘Tis the season for gift giving! This holiday season, teach children that giving is as fun as receiving by having them create their own holiday gifts.
Be Creative with Your Holiday Wrapping
Why give presents wrapped in boring paper when the kids can help you decorate gifts in fantastic new ways?!
on a Shoestring
According to a recent survey, American families intend to spend an average
of $483 on gifts this Christmas. To help keep the costs down this
Christmas season, Sue Hannah offers some money-saving gift ideas.
How to Make a Menorah Candle Necklace
Celebrate the festival of lights with this fun craft idea from Penny Warner, author of “The Big Book of Party and Holiday Fun.
Making the Holidays More Meaningful
Have the holidays become too commercial for you? Are you feeling empty and unfulfilled during this time of the year? This year by making some simple changes you and your children can truly make the holidays more meaningful.
A New Way to Use Old Snapshots
Instead of letting your snapshots take up space and contribute to the clutter in your home, use them to make collages (at a cost of less than $10 each) that you can give as Christmas gifts to family and friends. Here's
10 Creative Ways to Give from the Heart, Not the Pocketbook
Meaningful gift giving doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact, some of the
most precious gifts are the ones that cost very little, but mean a great deal
because of the time and effort the giver took in giving the gift.
Silent Night
A great way to celebrate holidays that brings the meaning and joy back.
Let’s Do Something Different For the Holidays This Year!
Each year, for too many of us, the holiday season just doesn’t live up to our expectations. Instead of joy, it brings stress; instead of peace, it brings tension; instead of love, it brings animosity. This holiday, let’s do something different.
Hummingbird's Song
Have you ever thought about what makes you have a good day? You
know, you've had them every once in awhile, a day where
everything seems to go just right and you get everything
accomplished that you set out to do.
Conquer thy Enemy
A thought provoking list you want to read often.
You know you're living in 2003 when...
While you wait
Knowing that all things happen for a purpose does not make being unemployed any easier. What is the best way to utilize this down-time? An introspective look!
You Can Choose: Is Today Going to be a Good Day or Bad Day?
Every day you have a choice: Will it be a good day or a bad one? It really IS up to you. You can't control the external circumstances of your life
but you can control your response to them.
Optimism: How to Avoid Negative Thinking
Have you ever wondered why some people feel down and defeated when faced with difficult situations, while others feel challenged and hopeful? Or why some people get all worked up and angry over small inconveniences and disagreements, while others respond more positively?
What Fills Inner Emptiness?
When we don’t take on the responsibility of our own well-being, we will automatically pull on others energetically to fill the hole within us. An empty place within is like a vacuum that sucks energy from others when we are not bringing love to ourselves. Others may try to give to us, but it’s a bottomless pit when we are not filling ourselves by taking loving care of our own feelings and needs.
It Never Rains On A Right Attitude!
The decision to win in life belongs to you, not to anyone else. No one else can make that decision for you. No one else can open up the top of your head and pour a can of luck down inside of you. The victory is available to you, so is the defeat.
The Gift of a Near Death Experience
When is the last time you had a near death experience? Do you know when you will have your next near death experience? It's not necessary to have a terrifying event occur in order to have inspiring, fulfilling, vibrant moments fill each of your days.
Manipulate Life Or Let it Manipulate You
Most people live their lives, but are not in control of them. We’re all affected by circumstances that go beyond what we can anticipate, but most of us fail to plan ahead or take the time to think about what’s next.
Mythological Perspective on the 'Prophecy of Isis'
Let us go back in time to the golden age of the first kingdom, starting with the Third Dynasty and the rule of Djoser (2778 B.C.), until the year 2200, the end of the Sixth Dynasty. This was the period when the god kings ruled in Memphis, the capital city.
Letting God Work
If I would have obeyed God and come to him immediately, I would have been reconciled sooner. I would have lived the past days without fear. I needed to step back and let God work.
Looking for the Littlest Bit: 50 Things that Bring Joy
Looking for the littlest bit keeps you from trying to find something that will make you feel a whole bunch better, like hitting the jackpot at a casino or going on a cruise. It is a common mistake to think that we need something big like that to make us feel better. We often find ourselves overlooking the small pleasures of life.
Christmas IS Celebration!
Faith, hope and love cannot be bought or sold but only given
away. These are the wellsprings deep of Christmas celebration.
Assimilation vs Accumulation
We haven't asked ourselves the questions, "How much is enough?"
"What do I value over everything else?" We just cannot say "no"
to available "things" and information that meet our fancy. And,
in some ways, we crave each new thing with the hope that it will
somehow set us free.
Four Ways to Energize Your Holiday Season: Special Tips for WAHMs (Work at Home Mothers)
For many work-at-home moms, there's no such thing as time off.
And that means we may need an extra energy infusion this holiday
Here are some tips to make sure you enjoy every last fa-la-la.
Fifteen Dynamic Principles to Make Your Wildest Dreams Come True
One of the best articles I have seen, the author combines enthusiasm,
inspiration, faith, and spirituality, to guide us through principles
behind personal and professional success. A must read! (ed.)
Focus On The Joy
Instead of focusing on the
effort, FOCUS ON THE JOY. Focus on the people
and things that are most important to you. Focus on
the pleasure you get out of moving towards your
goals. Focus on the process of creating something,
not what results you expect.
The "99" Club
A great inspirational story with a great lesson.
Striving for more is always good, but lets not strive so hard and for so
much that we lose all those near and dear to our heart. We shouldn't compromise our happiness for moments of luxuries!
Are you making time for your marriage?
A good marriage is one of the best things in life. Don't take it for granted. You'll be giving yourself and your family a gift that lasts a lifetime.
Becoming Excellent: Five Great Ideas from Aristotle
For thousands of years, thoughtful individuals have contemplated the meaning of life. Many of the greatest philosophers spoke eloquently about the challenges we all face today in words that are easily understood and truly inspiring.
An Uncommon Approach to Handling Obstacles
Obstacles and set-backs are a part of life. As we travel our life's path, one door opens, another closes. Sometimes we take three steps forward and two steps back. Sometimes we decide we want to move in a certain direction, but we're blocked.
Strength of Man
A thought provoking article about what is the true strength of man.
LAW 101
Humor. Why lawyers should never ask a witness a question if they aren't
prepared for the answer.
Types of
Humor. Classification of women according to computer nerds.
The Lost Chapter of Genesis
Humorous story. What you get for a rib.
Preserving Thanksgiving Memories for Scrapbooking
Last year our family tried out a new way to preserve Thanksgiving
memories, and the result was truly a treasured keepsake.
Giving Back to Spirit and Living in the Moment
How often do you find yourself worrying or obsessing about a
problem only to be reminded to give it back to Spirit/God.
Are You Lucky? Or Is It Synchronicity?
If you decide firmly and precisely
enough what you want, and take action towards it,
then 'luck', 'coincidence', and 'opportunity' will present themselves
to you.
A Magical Holiday Season
Has the anxiety over your holiday plans started yet? Have you got a knot
in your stomach at the thought of your mother-in-law’s cooking? Do you
feel the pain in your pocket at the thought of all of the money you’ll
be spending?
Top Ten Common-Sense Rules for Fathers
To be an effective
father, concentrate on common sense
rules that have always worked. They won't always make you the most
popular Dad, but they'll always be effective.
Organic Foods - FAQ
The questions you wanted to ask about organic food and the answers.
Step back
What would happen if, just for a moment, we
stepped beyond ourselves? If today, we endeavored
very carefully to not think about ourselves much
at all. To think instead about someone who has
less than us.
A great inspirational piece that says, "Risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
The person who risks nothing does nothing, has nothing and is nothing."
Relationship Issues: She is Ashamed of Him
Both are cheating and both are miserable. Neither wants to cheat and neither
wants to separate, but both are being controlled by needs greater than their
wishes. They both seek affirmation of their self-worth.
My Principles for Success in Life
The first step on the stair-case to success is DEFINITENESS OF
PURPOSE. Develop a definite plan for its achievement, a chief
aim in life - a mission. Must be backed by ACTIVE FAITH. Doing this produces positive results.
Persistent continuous action towards its attainment.
A Hero for Our Time
You may have never considered yourself much of a hero, but
you could be wrong. The fact is, most people's heroes and role
models include those closest to them -- family and friends.
How to Really Enjoy Christmas
I thought I'd share ten ways to make the most of this
wonderful season, not because I'm any sort of expert, but
because I love it.
Give Up Giving and Start Being Generous
Most of us grow up strongly influenced by the concept that
'It is better to give than to receive'.
We take it to heart so much that we interpret it literally,
and that's where we often get ourselves into trouble!
a Life of Regrets With Your Yes List
Too many times we say yes to others
when we should say no. At the same time we continue
to tell ourselves no when we need to say yes.
The Christmas Cactus: A Matter of Life and Death
One late-summer day as I stood looking down at the Christmas cactus on my back porch, I felt sort of sick.
I’d had the plant for 15 years, ever since my mother died. She’d had it for about 20 years before that. And now
I had killed my mother’s Christmas cactus.
Holiday Dining
The days of dining by plucking fruit from trees and roasting small animals over the fire, eating with fingers, and perhaps fighting with others over the scraps are long gone. Or are they?
At Thanksgiving, Tap into Abundance
Make this coming Thanksgiving into an abundance- consciousness day. Let the feelings that come up fill your entire body. Enjoy the holiday to its fullest and create an anchor that you will be able to tap into all year round.
10 Ways To Stop and Smell the Turkey!
It's back. The holiday season. And it's bigger and worse than ever! Why? The world is an uncertain place right now and people may want to put all their hopes and dreams for peace and normalcy into the traditions of Thanksgiving, Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanzaa and other seasonal celebrations.
Alone for the Holidays?
Holidays are a time to share love, and many people end up
feeling depressed when they do not have people around with
whom to share love. If you are in this situation, what can
you do to make the holidays joyous rather than depressing?
Why Sports are a Sexual Substitute For Men
Why are so many men, and quite a few women, self proclaimed fanatics
about sports? The author has an answer. Humorous.
How does our perspective of parents change with our age. Humor
Ten Principles for a Blessed Day!
If each of us follows these 10 principles, the world will be a
paradise. It is so simple!
The Thanksgiving Blessing
What started out as my worst Thanksgiving ever made me realize that I had much to be thankful for.
Pumpkin People
The perfect pumpkin is right there - and with your help it will be the highlight of the holiday.
Ordinary People Can Get What They Want
We may be ordinary people, but we can achieve extraordinary things
in our lives.
Discovering Your Strengths
Some time in the process of the transition from the old you to the new you, a truly miraculous thing happens. I call it the manifestation of your new strengths.
Life is simply a school to learn lessons of choice between integrity (wholeness) or compromise (asphyxiation of the soul). Which one do you stand by?
Your Connection to the Elements
An explanation of the four elements, our relationship to them and how to connect with them for greater harmony.
Enjoy the Ride
When we concern ourselves with the past and the future, our ability
to enjoy the present is clouded.
10 Tips to Rev Up Your Energy & Feel Great
Recently I found myself off track feeling over committed and drained. Here are the steps that help me get back on track every time.
Finding The Pony
How our lives unfold is largely dependant on how we approach challenges that present themselves.
Endings Are Beautiful Too
As I was walking and breathing deeply in the beauty of the morning I began to experience my relationship with the changing seasons as a metaphor for my life. I began to think about how well we as a culture celebrate birth, youth and new beginnings and how we’re taught to fear death, change and endings.
Down On Your Luck? Here's How You Get Over The Hump!
Trying to create positive results using negative emotions is about as effective as a screen door on a submarine. If we recognize that this negative emotion condition is probably hindering us, then it's time to get over the hump.
Turning Obstacles Into Blessings
In almost every part of daily living, there are obstacles that prevent you from accomplishing your goals. You have to get above it, over it, under it, or around the obstacle.
Your Magnificence
It is through creativity that you begin the journey of connecting to your soul, of meeting your true self and it is through creativity that we see, feel, touch, taste and hear your prosperity.
What Are You Focusing On?
Are you focused on failure or success?
6 Steps To Your Personal Treasure
Your treasure – your values have a purpose. They declare who you are – the essence of your character. How you apply those values in your everyday life not only formulates the existence of your choice, but also affects others around you – especially those close to you. Your example can help others to secure their own treasure.
What Feeds You?
When you "feed" yourself, and only you know what will nourish you, you will no longer need to look outside of yourself for things to fill you up. You will never, ever go hungry again.
A Perfect Time For Enjoying Fall Fruits!
This is the perfect time of year to enjoy some fall fruits. Discover some information about two of our most popular in this article: the apple and the pumpkin.
Your Truth Is Within You
Your truth is your essence of who you truly
are. It's that feeling, that knowing that you are who you are
from the center of your being all the way to the outside of your
aura and even beyond.
Zen and the Art of Looking at Brick Walls
If you were to look at a brick wall in a dingy tenement, if you wanted, you could create a different experience of it by
realizing that that brick wall, shares the same light, air, warmth, cold as everything else in the physical universe.
Don't Say "I'm Sorry"
This Holiday Season be the Giver with the
Best Gift that only love can afford to give.
Home is Sanctuary!
Make your home the inviting oasis you want it
to be. Just remember these few easy steps.
Asking The Hard Questions
What Does Wealth Get in
Wealth cannot buy everything. Inspirational article.
Some people get all the breaks.
Rebounding from adversities in life.
Nature of Love
Love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature. If there are people
you love, allow them to be free beings. Give and don't expect. Advise, but
don't order. Ask, but never demand.
Two Friends
Inspirational story teaching us the importance of gratefulness and
forgiveness in friendship.
Mother's Love Knows no bounds
Value of Life
A look at life from an accountant's perspective.
A Beautiful powerpoint presentation. You don't want to miss this one!
Hospital Wing
Hospital Humor
Amazing and Humorous
Light reading about facts of life.
Wisdom from the Great Guru
Humorous facts.
Going the Right Way
An inspirational story of handling disagreements after marriage.
I've learned....
Some very powerful thoughts to ponder and meditate on.
Greetings from Holisticonline.com Network and ICBS, Inc.
Popular Diwali Wish Lists for 2003
The following seems to be the most popular diwali
wish(list) of 2003!
is Diwali?
Diwali, the festival of lights, teaches us to uphold the true values of life.
- the festival of lights
Diwali is the most beautiful and the grandest festival of jubilation that heralds the advent of Kartik the holiest month.
Seven Wonders of the World
The things we overlook as simple and ordinary and that we take for granted are truly wondrous!
The most precious things in life cannot be built by hand or bought by man.
What Would You Die For?
Live for the few things you'd die for and you will be fully alive! You
will also have learned something about how to be happy.
A Bag Full of Surprises
Life truly requires a level of management that should never be underestimated. The bag of surprises is presented
to each of us, every day again. Some surprises taste sweet, but most of them
have a bitter foretaste. It is up to us to adapt our taste buds to
these new challenges, and unleash our positive imagination and our sense of
humor on them, so that we will be able to develop the right spirit in
approaching them.
Love Your Way to Success
One of the most important things I learned back in business school
was that promotions often don`t depend on one`s job skills, but on
interpersonal skills. An employee could
have the best skills in the department, but if he/she could not get
work done through people, cooperate with people, then that employee
could be going nowhere fast, in spite of wonderful skills.
Courage To Live
Courage is deciding not to put your current desires
above your desires for the future. Courage is
deciding there's something more important.
From Darkness Into the Light
When things take a turn and your day may seem out of the norm,
take time to look at all the possibilities and I just bet, you'll
find many blessings just waiting to be noticed, even if at first
you start out, in the dark.
10 Things Your Mother Didn't Tell You
Success isn't about money. Success in life is
living it on your own terms - whatever you define
that to be - and being perfectly happy with that.
Being successful is an individual definition --not
media hype --and it's easier than you think.
When You're Root-bound
Like potted plants, people can become "root- bound."
People, too, can die when they outgrow their environments. They need
broader views, bigger challenges.
And then there is… contentment
Contentment is the break that the soul needs to reenergize for future
encounters with turbulence. It’s the deep breath that we take when we are in
full nature, and we feel that our lungs need fresh air. It’s the essence of
life, and the decisive factor between giving up and persevering.
Review: Steadfast the Lamp by Jane Richardson
"Steadfast the Lamp" is a book well worth reading for anyone wanting to revisit their homeland by armchair, as well as a vivid portrayal of a land not yet seen by Indians and others.
The Sights, Sounds, and People of Morelia, Mexico
So, you want to live in Morelia? The best encouragement
I can give you is learn the language to the best of
your ability, surround yourself with good friends, keep a
strong positive attitude, and try not to lose your sense of
humor when you make mistakes.
Eat Those Problems and Love It!
You could view your problems as opportunities to create
something that may be better or more effective than your
normal situation.
A Pearl of Mythology
Pearls are rare and therefore precious, some of the myths
surrounding the nature of pearls has to do with raindrops,
dewdrops and the moon which leads to the association of the
pearl with the feminine. The Greeks associated them with
love, the Goddess Aphrodite and marriage.
Viewing the Future
Don’t you wish the future were clear?
It is usually hazy, at best.
Success Sutra: The Joy of Confidence
To excel in any situation, you must have confidence,
and confidence comes, first and foremost, from
Too Stuck to Pray
Prayer is a powerful way to open the heart when you are stuck in anger, fear, self-judgment, resistance or depression. When you can sincerely pray for spiritual help in opening your heart and taking responsibility for your own feelings and needs, help is there.
However, what if you are too stuck to pray?
The Secret Way Out of the Darkness
Today, many of us may feel out of step, not only with the rhythm of the seasons but, with the rhythm of our lives. We work inside of sterile buildings, sit in cubicles without windows under the glare of fluorescent lighting. We work harder and longer but what is it costing us to work so hard? It's no wonder that so many of us feel sick and tired when we live so disconnected from what really feeds and nourishes us.
Only the Shadow Knows………Shadow Goals
How many times have we set goals and given up on them? For most of us, giving up on the goals we set for ourselves is a common behavior. We want to reach our goals but something always seems to get in the way.
5 Ways to Develop Friendships That Really Count
How do you develop friendships that nurture your spirit and enrich your lives?
By following these 5 guidelines you can begin developing friendships that will uplift and inspire you.
Life is a Choice!
Obstacles are a part of life. It can happen to anyone, and they happen to everyone. All of us, in no matter what the situation have a choice, but it's realizing you have the choice that empowers you.
Don't Ever Quit!
Throughout the many pages of scores of motivational books, with the Bible being at the forefront, we are encouraged to "not give up." We are told to believe that we can come through any situation and be victorious in life. Ask yourself this question:
Am I up-beat or am I beat-up?
Dwelling in the Land of Tranquility
We can live in an environment of turmoil or tranquility, despite what is going on around us. This is a choice we make, often subconsciously.
Loving Your Children NO MATTER WHAT!
Unconditional love is about loving and showing that love even when you or your child acts in ways you may not like.
Giving And Receiving
Always putting others needs and wants before our own can lead to becoming a resentful, unhappy doormat.
GOD, Does He Exist???
Read and find out.
The Man Without A Face
An inspirational story.
Why I left
Light humorous, true life incidents from teachers and students.
Here are pictures of
Hurricane Isabel that recently ravished on the US knocking off power to
over 5 million people and doing billions of dollar in damages.
A humorous story to lighten up your day.
A humorous look at accepting Love.