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Is Your Home as Health Conscious as You Are?

(ARA) - You try to do what's best for your health. It's hectic, but you try to find the time to exercise, eat right, and take your vitamins or supplements. But what about your home? Does your home provide the proper healthy environment for you and your family?

Numerous recent studies have focused increasing concerns on the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) of homes and their impact on human health. Changes in construction methods driven by energy and efficiency issues since the 1970s, combined with traditional construction materials and finishes being used, "seal inside" the allergens, irritants, and toxins, driving the astronomical increases in respiratory disorders being seen today. But what can be done about this?

One of the areas receiving the greatest attention is flooring materials. Traditional home construction in the United States and United Kingdom is heavily favored towards carpet. It should be noted, coincidentally, that these two countries are experiencing some of the greatest increases in allergy related breathing disorders.

Carpets are difficult to keep truly clean, and they harbor dust mites and the resulting allergens. Steam cleaning provides moisture to sustain the growth of bacteria and molds, and more aggressive cleaning techniques introduce very harsh chemicals and their residue into the home. Hardwood or vinyl floors are quite often chosen because they, correctly so, can be kept cleaner than carpets. However, both products require finishes or maintenance products that are pretty chemically aggressive. Fortunately, there is an alternative that can help address this important issue.

Marmoleum, an all-natural flooring material made from linseed oil, wood flour, rosins, and limestone, and backed with jute, is just the solution for a healthy floor. It is allergen-free and biodegradable and contains no chlorine, formaldehyde, or lead. It has naturally-occurring inherent anti-microbial and anti-static properties making it easy to keep clean and hygienic.

From installation with solvent-free adhesives that pass the strictest IAQ standards in the industry, and include the Microban additive to block potential mold from concrete moisture, to maintenance products that are environmentally friendly and contain no heavy metals, Marmoleum provides the complete solution to a healthier floor.

Finally, Marmoleum is the right floor for comfort. While it is an easy to clean hard surface floor, it is warm to the touch (perfect for bare feet), and pleasing to the eye as it is available in more than 100 colorways.

For more information contact Forbo Linoleum at (866) MARMOLEUM, and ask for the Clean Living brochure or visit the company's Web site: www.themarmoleumstore.com.

Courtesy of ARA Content

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