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Things my Grandpa Told Me

(c) William Spurgeon

If you don't climb the mountain, You can't see the view.

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

Ideas are funny things. They don't work unless you do.

Leisure is a beautiful garment, but it will not do for constant wear.

Never judge a man's actions until you know his motives.

There is nothing more terrifying than ignorance in action.

Some people never make a mistake, nor do they ever make anything else.

Faith with works is a force. Faith without works is a farce.

The only thing worse than a quitter is the man who is afraid to start.

Our words may hide our thoughts, but our actions will reveal them.

No farmer ever plowed a field by turning it over in his mind.

The right angle to approach a difficult problem is the "try-angle."

Age has nothing to do with learning new ways to be stupid.

The awkward age is when you are too old for the Peace Corps and too young for Social Security.

An alarm clock is a device for awakening people who don't have small children.

Youth looks ahead, old age looks back, and middle age looks tired.

Peace may cost as much as war, but it's a better buy.

True love doesn't consist of holding hands...it consists of holding hearts.

Love is the only game that two can play and you'll either have two winners or two losers.

Men fight for freedom and then start making laws to get rid of it.

See Also:

Ten Steps To True Happiness
A team of experts believe that they have found the essential ingredients to make a person's life happier.

Embrace the Unlovable and Change your Life!
Balance is the key. Dream and take some positive action to move you toward your goals. Take it one step at a time.

A Conspiracy of Kindness
This is a true story of love and kindness.

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