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Microscopic Art by Willard Wigen

Willard is a resident of Birmingham, England. The following photos are from an art show being held in Manchester, England.

Willard has a learning disability (Dyslexia), but he has talented hands.
He makes the sculptures out of dust particles, sugar crystals, etc.
He works only around midnight, and can only do some of the work between heartbeats.

Visitors view exhibits through a microscope

Take a look at these masterpieces photographed at very high magnification.

The Statue of Liberty in the eye of a needle

Willard Holding the pin with statue of liberty to give you an idea of the size of these art!

Elvis on a pin head

Boxing ring next to a match head

Girl with balloon is standing on an eyelash glued to the top of a needle.

Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs in the eye of a needle
(Note the wicked witch on top)

The Thinker on the head of a pin

Peter Pan & Tinkerbell etc. on a small fishhook

The royal court in the eye of a needle

Contributed by: Chandramouli, A.

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