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What can I do to succeed?

Many people are afraid of failing in life because of something that happened to them in the past.

They may have failed financially in the past; or they may have grown up in a troubled home; or they’ve always had bad luck. They didn’t get a good education; or their parents mistreated them; or they have been surrounded by negative people; and so on, and so forth! Lot of excuses.

The difference between people who become successful in their lives and people who don’t, can be found on their outlook on life.

1. SUCCESS, beginning now, is not based on how many times you may have failed in the past.
2. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with how much education you did or did not get in the past.
3. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with the family that you were raised in.
4. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with whether you was born into poverty or wealth.
5. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with how much money you have or does not have.
6. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with how fair or unfair life has treated you up to now.
7. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with what you thought you could not do in the past.
8. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with what you were afraid to do up to now.
9. SUCCESS, beginning now, has nothing to do with the negative opinions or attitudes of anyone else.
10. SUCCESS, beginning now, is not based on what happened to you, or because of you, in the past.

SUCCESS, beginning now, is entirely on what you do beginning TODAY! Successful people have a future orientation. They are also action oriented not excuse oriented.

If you decide to go for it, to believe in yourself, to make your life work, it will not be your past that counts the most-it will be what you do next.

On every list of the most successful people who ever lived, you will find that at least half of them were born or lived in the worst of circumstances; and yet their successes are among the greatest success stories of all. The day you decide to change how you think about your future, is the day you can change the rest of your life.

What all of this means is that it isn’t what has happened in your past that counts... It’s what you decide to do next that matters most.

See Also:

A Goal is a Must so is Concentration
Concentration is the magic key that opens the door to accomplishment. Success is the result of well directed energy.

You Can Succeed Even in Failure
Failure is one of the surest stepping stones to success.

18 Rules For Life
Some commonsense rules to follow to have a happy life.

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