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The Law of Attraction And The ParadoxFor the sake of this writing, here's the definition as used: (Paradox:) contrary to accepted opinion. Incongruent in agreement; inharmonious. Anyone that studies Universal Law/Consciousness finds The Study of the Law of Attraction, and how it works, very exciting and appealing. It gives us promise. However, contained within the promise, is the *application* of the study. Not everyone who *reads* the Law of Attraction concepts, applies it. This writing is for those of us who do, sincerely in our hearts study and apply what we understand currently of the Law of Attraction, and still haven't manifested the lives that we really want and desire. Here's how it really IS: Phase I: If we study and apply the understandings of the Law of Attraction, we can create whatever we want. Phase II: Not Exactly Most all writings and teachings of the the Law of Attraction say within the writings that: 1. There is no slate or chalkboard of our lives written on it. We can create whatever we desire. 2. We can have what we want, if we believe that we can have what we want. 3. As we believe, the the Law of Attraction attracts to us what we want. 4. Change our beliefs, we change our lives, per the the Law of Attraction in action. ( THIS is where *the study* stops and creates The Gap.) THEN we are given many ways and means to help us change our beliefs. Changing our beliefs simply means we expand beyond what we currently believe, so that we allow for more of what we want to flow to us. I've built the first part of my writing livelihood on just those basics. And they DO work, and they DO work, well. Many of us, can and do stop at this point and do very well for ourselves...........BUT...What if we seem to want MORE? The Paradox is that WE are in control, when we really are not.. The study of the the Law of Attraction, says, we can change and control our lives by studying and applying the the Law of Attraction. Yes. We can. But ONLY up to a point. There in lies The Paradox. Here's the problem. (I use the word problem as *quandary*) Up to this point, most of us have been applying the understandings of the study of the the Law of Attraction, with our rational mind. Meaning our humanness is involved all along the way. Our humaneness convinces us that if we study and apply the the Law of Attraction to our lives, then we can create whatever we want. Our humanness tells us that we are doing well, and expanding our spiritual selves as we study and apply the the Law of Attraction. We get an A+ for doing and being this, in our lives. Why does our humaneness tell us this? Because we attract through the examples and the stories of seeing it work in the lives of others. Therefore it has to, by law, work for us as well. Right? And, as we apply it sincerely to our own lives we see for ourselves many times how it does in fact and truth work. However, we keep *missing something*. We cant seem to really get what we really, really want. Why is that? The Eastern Religion will tell us, its Because that studying the the Law of Attraction, makes us look out for only number 1, and that's not what we *should* be doing. Therefore, that's why we really don't get what we want. The Eastern Religion, says, *we must suffer*. Buddha had to suffer to be enlightened. Therefore we too must suffer. Western Mainstream religions will try to convince us that the study of universal law, metaphysics is not what God wants, and falls into the cult category. We are sinners. Therefore, of course we cant get what we really want. Its not of God. Gee, what's a little soul to do? What are we to do and be, if we sincerely in our hearts and minds want to expand our lives from both the spiritual and physical level? Is IT even, really, possible? YES IT IS. Copyright http://www.susanjames.org Susan James writes of User Friendly Physics Applications Ranging from Religion to The Esoteric. For Info on award winning books and courses along with free e-media please visit http://www.susanjames.org [Recipes][Great Reading][Home Improvement][Health][Holistic Living][Holisticonline][EntrepreneurismBible.com]
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