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The Law Of Attraction Internal Workings

By Michael McGrath

Ancient teachers, mystics and philosophers have tried to teach us about the great workings of the Law Of Attraction. Great works have been written that gives us a sneak at its power. However, the true meaning, power and role of the Law Of Attraction still eludes many. But know this, whether you understand the law or not it is still working every minute, of every hour, of everyday in your life and the lives of everyone else. Isn't it time to learned how to use this great Universal Principle for your own benefit?

The Law Of Attraction at its very basic level states that everything is created by thought and that thought attracts to itself physical things, people, situations and circumstances. Your predominant thoughts are activating the Law of Attraction this very moment and bringing these things into your life!

Having said that, you should also be aware that it is not only the outer material world that is affected by our creative abilities. Our bodies and our very personalities, characteristics, physical, mental and emotional attributes are all created by our thinking. Are you creating the life you desire & becoming the person you wish to be or are you like Job and bringing upon you all manner of woes because you are giving your attention to them? Perhaps you are even identifying yourself as a victim and refusing to acknowledge the Law and use it consciously!

The Law Of Attraction is not as big a Secret, as the hit movie would have you believe. Having been in existence since the very beginning of time, it is an unyielding, never bending, unbreakable Universal Rule. You cannot escape it! There is a great body of evidence that suggests mankind has known about, and utilized, the great Law for about 7000 years. But these teachings were hidden for thousands of years by those people who wished to control the population. Through hiding the laws of the universe and the knowledge that we create our own realities these dogmatic leeches could keep all the power for themselves and ensure no-one opposed their rule. The great Law Of Attraction was actually banned in the past.

It was largely at the beginning of the 20th century that the general public started to become aware of this great law due to the diligence, fortitude, integrity and grace of writers such as James Allen (1864-1912), Napoleon Hill (1883-1970) and Charles Haanel (1866-1949).

Wallace D. Wattles (1860 ? 1911) was another pioneer of free thinking. In his great work "The Science of Getting Rich" Wattles states a great truth, "There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought." How revolutionary that statement was in 1910.

Haanel set out in a 24 part correspondence course, which is now condensed into one volume called "The Master Key System", a complete guide to successfully using the Law Of Attraction! It was banned by the Church in 1933 due to its revelations. This is allegedly the book Bill Gates read before he created Microsoft!

Andrew Carnegie convinced Napoleon Hill to write his bestseller 'Think & Grow Rich' after he proved to him that thoughts create your world and can be used to build riches. After twenty-five years of research Hill released his book to the world.

James Allen wrote his famous work in 1912 and in "As a Man Thinketh" he tells people that "mind is the master-weaver, both of the inner garment of character and the outer garment of circumstance, and that, as they may have hitherto woven in ignorance and pain they may now weave in enlightenment and happiness."

However, although the teachings have been around for thousands of years and they have been readily and easily available to the general public for almost a century the great majority of people do not take the time to learn the workings of probably the most powerful physical law in the Universe.

I think you owe it to yourself to delve deeper into this mysterious Universe and learn as much as you can about the laws that govern your life. When you truly understand the Law Of Attraction and begin to work with it for you personal advantage, I promise you, your life will change in fantastic, unexpected and unlimited ways.

Begin now to utilize this gift and construct in your imagination the life you really want to live. Seek out ways to remove your own inner resistance and limiting beliefs.

Start to use the Law Of Attraction today!

See Also:

The Law of Attraction And The Paradox
This writing is for those of us who do, sincerely in our hearts study and apply what we understand currently of the Law of Attraction, and still haven't manifested the lives that we really want and desire.

Time Your Actions by Napoleon Hill
Whatever your career is, you will accomplish twice as much in half the time when you learn to time your actions. All of us are, in a sense, sales people who are trying to sell our way through life successfully. But only a relatively few of us manage to become “Master Salesmen.”

No One Else Can Take Your Place In This world
There is only one you. There is no one else like you and there will never ever be anyone else like you. You have a gift to offer that can touch the world in a way that no other person's gift can do. It is not the gift but it is you.
Every person is significant in their contribution no matter what it is.

How To Find Meaning and Motivation in Life
Ask yourself this: what is the single most important value I stand for in my life, my core reason for being?

The Grandfather Tree
I don’t know what trees or houses acquire through time. But I do believe some important element of life is absorbed by that which endures the longest.

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About the Author:

Michael owns & operates several sites including Hypnosis products reviewed, Self Hypnosis product reviews & Personal Development product reviews.

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