The Seven Second Prayer
You do not have to recite long prayers to be effective. Just repeat this prayer and see how God moves.
Lord, I love you and I need you,
Forgive me of my sins,
I believe you are the Son of God.
Come into my heart,
And bless me, my family, my home, and my friends,
In Jesus name.
I shall pass through this world but once. Therefore, any good that I can do or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now before the opportunity escapes, perhaps never to return causing me regrets.
Allow me to live my life without regrets.
Allow me to do all that I can for Jesus.
There is Only One life, It will Soon be Past,
Only what's done for Jesus Christ, Will Last.
Life is like a coin,
You can spend it anyway you wish,
but you can only spend it one time.
See Also:
Christian Prayers
on Christianity