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LORD is my Lover

1 LORD, you are my lover; in you we build our dreams.
2 Let your heaven rains down your love to me.
3 Let your blessings kiss my soul with your sweetest mouth.
4 Let your earth produces fruits thru the root of your love.

5 I shall be an evergreen fruits in all your seasons.
6 I will be a blossom stands in your light and shines in all colors. 
7 I am a fish and you are my ocean, in you I swim free, and in you I live and play.

8 You are the blood in my vein, running thru every part of my body.
9 You are the heart of my being, bumping every beat of my life.
10 You are the spirit of my soul, from the beginning to the never end.

Submitted By: Laijon Liu

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