Prayer Of Repentance
Orthodox Church
O God, the lover of those who are unblemished and upright, grant us perfection in our hearts. Remove from us all evil and malicious thoughts. O Lord, open to us Your merciful door, as you did to the thief. Accept our repentance as you had accepted the penance of the tax collector and the sinful woman. O Lord, You are merciful and pleased with those who turn to You in repentance as You graciously pardoned Peter who came to you after he had denied you. Lord cleanse us from our sins and follies.
O Lord! we, the sinful, grieve about your dispassionate last judgement. When the great books of accounts are opened and our sins are read, let Your grace strengthen us and let your mercy help us. Let our sins be pardoned. O Lord! we acknowledge our sins, have mercy on us.
See Also:
Prayer of Repentance, Orthodox Church
Prayer of Supplication
- Orthodox Church
Angelic Hymn, Hymn of St.
Athanasius. Orthodox Church
Morning Prayer, Orthodox Church