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Blessed Christmas
By Fr. John-Brian

"Make us worthy, O Lord God, to hallow Thee with the holy seraphim without investigation; to bless Thee with the blessed cherubim without hesitation; to glorify Thee with the exalted powers without hindrance; to adore Thee with the heavenly hosts without any blame; to exalt Thee with the innocent shepherds unceasingly; to worship Thee with the discerning wise men steadfastly; and to rejoice in Thee, with Mary who bore Thee, eternally; now and always and forever and ever.

(Opening Prayer at the Festival of Christ's Holy Nativity)

"The mind cannot envision what God has set in store for creation. The destiny is good without mitigation, pure joy in love, peace in community with all, ecstasy without triumph, sweeter than anything our mind and sense can now enjoy. The human mind can neither conceive of nor imagine what God has set in store for us and for all creation. Our fantasy and our imagination cannot soar so high. Even when we finally experience it, it will be beyond all language and concept. It is the Spirit that assures me of this. And the Spirit leads me there. That Spirit, we have a foretaste. The reality will surpass all present hope and human expectation. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, one true God, forever and ever. 

His Grace Dr. Paulos Mar Gregorios (d. 1996)

May each of us get a foretaste of that which is to come during this festival of light, hope and peace! May you be blessed as you bless - may Christ God bless and increase all good things for you and for all your loved ones!

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