O Christ, light of the Father in heaven, Who didst come in thy mercy to the
world to save humankind, Cause Thy light of Thy wisdom and knowledge to
shine in the souls of those who seek after Thee; that they may walk in the
path of Thy radiance, until at last they find rest in Thy home in glory.
There shall they see Thee in Thine effulgence.
O Thou who didst ascend to heaven, and who art our advocate before the
Father, lift up our thoughts unto the place where Thou art and give us to
know Thy wisdom.
O Star who dost shine in every pure heart, give me to shine with Thy beauty,
and make me worthy to adore Thee in spirit and in truth.
Glory of the Father, Wisdom from on high, O Word of God, Who didst open for
us the gate of the kingdom and reveal unto us the secrets thereof, do Thou
make us fit to partake of the joy of Thy goodness.
Thou who art our only good, our only goal, O sole guardian of all saints in
their quest of life and felicity, hear us.
Eastern Orthodox Prayer