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Prayer to Deliver from Evil

Father God, Thank you for saving me from destruction.

I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins. Specifically, I confess that I have sinned in the following ways: any and all sins and errors. I repent from those errors/sins and renounce them now. Please forgive me and cleanse my conscience with the blood of Jesus.

Lord, please cut the unhealthy soul ties between me and ALL negative controlling PEOPLE, IDOLS, MATERIAL THINGS, INDIVIDUALS, PERSONS, THINGS, PLACES, CHURCHES. Please restore me to wholeness in spirit, soul and body and reintegrate any part of me that was involved with those soul ties.

I also ask for the salvation and restoration of those people that I was involved with. I commit him/her/them to your care.

I rebuke any evil spirits that may have gained a foothold in me from that sin. I command you to leave me and go to Jesus Christ now!

Thank you, Lord, for setting me free to live as the new person in Christ you made me to be!

I praise you now and forever, Amen!

Submitted by: Lou Sanders

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