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Prayers in time of war

O Almighty God, 
the Father of all humanity, 
turn, we pray, the hearts of all peoples and their rulers, 
that by the power of your Holy Spirit 
peace may be established among the nations 
on the foundation of justice, righteousness and truth; 
through him who was lifted up on the cross 
to draw all people to himself, 
your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

Love and fidelity have come together; 
Justice and peace join hands 
Fidelity springs up from earth 
and justice looks down from heaven. 
Psalm 85:10-11 (New English Bible)

Holy One:
May it yet be that love and fidelity will have their way with us, 
And in Iraq, and to the ends of the earth. 
May justice and peace join our hands to others 
So that your hope can flow beyond what we can see,
Beyond what we can say.

Source: Lou Sanders

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