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Prayers Of The Bible
Here are some prayers from the Bible.
Cain - for mercy (Gen 4:13-15)
Abraham - for a son (Gen 15:1-6)
Abraham - for Ishmael (Gen 17:18-21)
Abraham - for Sodom (Gen 18:20-32)
Abraham - for Abimelech (Gen 20:17)
Hagar - for consolation (Gen 21:14-20)
Abraham's servant - for guidance (Gen 24:12-52)
Isaac - for children (Gen 25:21, 24-26)
Rebekah - for understanding (Gen 25:22-23)
Jacob - for deliverance from Esau (Gen 32:9-12)
Jacob - all night (Gen 32:24-30)
Israelites - for deliverance (Ex 2:23-25; 3:7-10)
Moses - for Pharoah (Ex 8:9-13)
Moses - for water (Ex 15:24-25)
Moses - for Israel (Ex 32:31-35)
Moses - for Miriam (Num 12:11-14)
Moses - for a successor (Num 27:15-17)
Moses - that he might see the Promised Land (Deut 34:1-4)
Joshua - for help and mercy (Josh 6-9)
Gideon - for proof of his call (Judg 6:36-40)
Manoah - for guidance (Judg 13:8-15)
Samson - for water (Judg 15:18-19)
Samson - for strength (Judg 16:29-30)
Hannah - for a son (1Sam 1:10-17)
Samuel - for Israel (1Sam 7:5-12)
David - for help (1Sam 23:10-13)
David - for help (2Sam 2:1)
David - for blessing (2Sam 7:18-29)
Samuel - for wisdom (1Kin 3:6-14)
Elijah - for widow's son to be raised into life (1Kin 17:20-23)
Elijah - for triumph over Baal (1Kin 18:36-38)
Elisha - for blindness and sight (2Kin 6:17-23)
Jehoahaz - for victory (2Kin 13:1-5)
Hezekiah - for deliverance (2Kin 19:15-19)
Hezekieh - for health (2Kin 20:1-11)
Jabez - for prosperity (1Chr 4:10)
Reubenites - for victory (1Chr 5:18-20)
Abijah's army - for victory (2Chr 13:14)
Asa - for victory (2Chr 14:11)
People of Judah - for a covenant (2Chr 15:12-15)
Jehoshaphat - for victory (2Chr 18:31)
Priests - for blessing (2Chr 30:27)
Manasseh - for deliverance (2Chr 33:12-13)
Jehoshapat - for protection (2Kin 20:5-12, 27)
Jews - for safe journey (Ezra 8:21-23)
Ezra - for the sins of the people (Ezra 9:6-15)
Nehemiah - for the Jews (Neh 1:4-11)
David - for justice (Ps 9:17-20)
David - for grace (Ps 25:16)
Jeremiah - for mercy (Jer 14:7-10)
Jeremiah - for Judah (Jer 42:1-6)
Ezekiel - for undefilement (Ezek 4:12-15)
Daniel - for knowledge (Dan 2:17-23)
Daniel - for the Jews (Dan 9:3-19)
Jonah - for deliverance from the fish (Jon 2:1-10)
Habakkuk - for justice (Hab 1:1-4)
Habakkuk - for deliverance (Hab 3:1-19)
Jesus Christ - LORD'S PRAYER (Matt 6:19-13)
Leper - for healing (Matt 8:2-3)
Jesus Christ - praise for revelation to babies (Matt 11:25-26)
Jesus Christ - for deliverance (Matt 26:39,42,44; 27:46)
Zechariah - for a son (Lk 1:13)
Tax Collector - for mercy (Lk 18:13)
Jesus Christ - for forgiveness for others (Lk 23:34)
Jesus Christ - in submission (Lk 23:46)
Jesus Christ - at Lazarus' tomb (John 11:41-42)
Jesus Christ - for the Father's glory (John 12:28)
Jesus Christ - for the Church (John 17:1-26)
Centurian - for his servant (Matt 8:15-13)
Criminal - for salvation (Lk 23:42-43)
Disciples - for boldness (Acts 4:24-31)
Peter - for the raising of Dorcas (Acts 9:40)
Cornelius - for enlightenment (Acts 10:1-33)
Christians - for Peter (Acts 12: 5-12)
Paul - for the healing of Publius' father (Acts 9:40)
Holy Spirit - for Christians (Rom 8:26-27)
Corinthians - for St.Paul (2Cor 1:9-11)
Paul - for grace (2Cor 12:8-9)
Paul - for the Ephesians (Eph 3:14-21)
Christians - for rulers in authority (1Tim 1-2)
Elijah - for drought and rain (James 5:17-18)
Source: Paul Ciniraj,
Kerala, India
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